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Understand me
Earlier Years, Fat Pants

Earlier Years, Fat Pants I’ve been thinking about the years when my children were younger. There is a bit of longing for those little bitty ones that made me laugh and cry! Baby Luke was really quiet for one of his naps. When I opened up the door, he had … Continue reading
Great kid friendly websites

Try these great kid friendly websites to help beat the summer time boredom that seems to find its way into our homes as the heat zaps our kids which ends up zapping us! Whew! That was a mouthful. … Continue reading
Mind, Body, and Spirit

Mind, Body, and Spirit When considering well-being, think of your physical, emotional, and spiritual self as a 3 legged stool. When one of those aspects of your life is off-balance you are going to fall. You can be in top physical shape but if you are an emotional wreck, you … Continue reading
I Love You Dad
Molasses Oat Bread — Delicious

Molasses Oat Bread — Delicious I love this recipe! I can toss the ingredients into the breadmaker and a few hours later slice it up for dinner. Put ingredients into the breadmaker in the order listed. 1 1/3 C boiling water 2/3 C rolled oats 1/3 C molasses 1 … Continue reading

The other day I was reading about natural honey (since I love sweets!) and came across some really cool facts I thought I would share. Natural honey is wonderful as a food and also as a medicine. There are many different grades of honey, depending on factors such as where … Continue reading
Parent Payback

Parent Payback Every once in a while, don’t you just bask in the parent payback? Sometimes it doesn’t come around as much as I would like it to! But, if you are lucky it may come. I was reading through some of my old journal entries and found one that … Continue reading
Mint Raspberry Lemonade – This is so good!

Mint Raspberry Lemonade This is a version of my fabulous sister-in-law’s recipe. Grow some mint and try this. Mint is very easy to grow but be selective where you put it because it is invasive. This is a great container plant. Mint Syrup 1 ½ C sugar 1 C … Continue reading