Everything is flowing smoothly as your day takes off. The kids are about ready to head out the door to school and you have a day ahead of you that is filled with a myriad of different things. All of a sudden, one of the kiddies complains they have a tummy ache. I can tell you on a number of occasions this has happened to me. I rub a couple of drops of Digestzen essential oil on their tummy and it doesn’t take long before they say they feel fine. Peppermint can help with that also. I think the Peppermint smells a lot better but sometimes the Digestzen is more effective. Give it a try!
Can I just say that I LOVE Essential oils. So often I am able to treat various ailments with them and not resort to regular medication. Even the kids come to me for ‘oils’ instead of the regular meds.
Peppermint is one of my favorite oils. It has a nice smell and helps with a number of problems. If I have an upset stomach I will first try putting a drop on my tongue. If that doesn’t do the trick, I rub the Digestzen on my abdomen. Peppermint also eases my headaches. I get frequent headaches, often rubbing the peppermint on the spot and the back of my neck will take the edge off. I will mention that I like layering Peppermint, Frankincense, and Lavender for the headaches. An added bonus of the Peppermint on the tongue is it gives you nice breath. The kids say the Peppermint is hot on their tongue so use care.